About Me

Hi, my name is Victoria, but all my family and friends refers to me as Tori. I am twenty-on3 and currently a nursing student. For as long as I can remember, I have been unhappy with the way I look and most people are, with the media putting the idea in our heads that everyone needs to be a stick to be “sexy”. I can’t say that I haven’t let magazines convince me that I need to look like that to be happy. In middle school, I was much taller than the other girls and therefore I weighed more. There were people all throughout high school that would say I am “fat” and I was a much smaller then than I am now. I have tried and tried to make changes in my lifestyle but they were short lived, I’m sure I am not the only one who has been there before. So I am now going to become more dedicated to live a permanent healthy lifestyle. I am doing this for myself to become healthier, more confident, and its just an added bonus to prove all of the people that put me down wrong. I would also enjoy reaching out to others and maybe inspiring them to become healthier or helping them continue on their journey. Maybe one day I will reach someone, until then it’s just me.

P.S. I definitely don’t know everything about eating healthy, working out or lifting, I don’t claim to know it all. Comments on my posts are welcome and I am willing to take constructive criticism on my lifestyle habits, there is still so much I need to learn.

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